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$ runjs-app
runjs-app - JSSP-JS application.

ERROR: NO arguments assigned!
CMD: runjs-app list | install <app>
  list                 List Apps
  list-component       List Components
  list-sample          List Samples
  install app          Install App
  update               Update Libs, Jars, Components and Apps
$ runjs-app list
runjs - apps:
  [*][ ] aes.js
  [*][ ] base58.js
  [*][ ] enc.js
  [ ][ ] helloworld.js
  [ ][ ] markdowndocs.js
  [ ][ ] markdownslide.js
  [*][ ] runjshelp.js
  [*][ ] server.js
  [*][ ] showmyip.js
  [*][ ] updatelibs.js
   |  |
   +--+- Install flag
      +- Digest match flag
$ runjs-app update
Reading digests: jars.json, apps.json, components.json ...
>> Update libs: /Users/<>/bin/runjs-home/lib
+ Checking file: commons-1.0.jar        ............................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: fastjson-1.1.24.jar        ........................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: jssp-1.0.jar        ...............................[SKIP]
>> Update jars: /Users/<>/.jssp/cache
+ Checking file: commons-csv-1.4.jar        ........................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: poi-3.15.jar        ...............................[SKIP]
>> Update components: /Users/<>/.jssp/cache
+ Checking file: component-httpserver.js        ....................[SKIP]
>> Update apps: /Users/<>/bin
+ Checking file: aes.js        .....................................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: base58.js        ..................................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: convertcsv2xls.js        ..........................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: enc.js        .....................................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: markdownpdf.js        .............................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: runjshelp.js        ...............................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: server.js        ..................................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: showmyip.js        ................................[SKIP]
+ Checking file: updatelibs.js        ..............................[SKIP]
$ runjs-app install helloworld.js
- Download file: .
Install finished: helloworld.js
$ helloworld.js
Hello World!